Useful Links and Sources




- ORB of 350 (Belgian) Squadron (Kindly provided by Guy De Win)
- Combat Reports of 350 Squadron (National Archives, Steve Brew )
- Logbook from Louis-Victor Peeters  (Courtesy of Sandy Magermans) 
- Logbook from "Bertje" Herreman (Courtesy of Tino Vansanten) 
- Logbook from Michel de Hepcée (Kindly provided by Eric Dessouroux)
- Logbook from Pierre Pacco (Kindly provided by André Bar)
- Logbook from Robert Jaminé (Kindly provided by André Bar)
- Logbook from "Pey" Van Wersch (Kindly provided by Philippe Deman)
- Logbook from "Sus" Venesoen (Kindly provided by André Bar)
- Logbook from José Blairon (Kindly provided by André Bar)
- Logbook from "Flets" Smets (Kindly provided by André Bar)
- Logbook from Antoon Claesen (Kindly provided by André Bar)
- Logbook from Robert Huens (Kindly provided by Eric Dessouroux)
- Logbook from Jaak Vanderperren (Kindly provided by Cynrik de Decker)
- Logbook from "l'Abbé" Van Lerberghe (Kindly provided by Philippe Deman)
- Logbook from Xavier Menu (Kindly provided by Philippe Deman)
- Logbook from Guy De Jaegher (Kindly provided by André Bar)
- Logbook from Raymond Schrobiltgen (Kindly provided by Philippe Deman)
- Logbook from Patrick Bangerter (RAF Museum)
- Logbook from "Bobby" Laumans (Kindly provided by André Bar)
- Logbook from Emile Pauwels (Kindly provided by André Bar)
- Logbook From Jean Lavigne (Kindly provided by André Bar)
- Logbook from "Terry" Spencer (Kindly provided by Cara and Raina Spencer via Steve Brew)
- Documents from Sam Russell (Kindly provided by his daughter Elaine Allen)
- Documents from Belgian Section RAF 44-45 period (Kindly provided by A. Bar) 
- Pictures from albums of members of 350 Sqn (Kindly provided by A. Bar)
- Diary of "l'Abbé"  Van Lerberghe (Kindly provided by Philippe Deman)
- Diary of Albert Michiels (Kindly provided by André Bar)
- Diary of Gaby Seydel (Kindly provided by André Bar)
- Diary of Clement Boone (Kindly provided by André Bar)
- Escape Diary of Jean Gerard
- Correspondence of Georges Lyvijns
- Stories of Henry Limet
- Pictures from Album of "Duke" Du Monceau de Bergendael (Kindly provided by 10 Wing via Peter Celis)
- Pictures from "Terry" Spencer (Terry Spencer via Peter Celis)
- Pictures from Louis-Victor Peeters (Kindly provided by Sandy Wagermans)
- Pictures from Georges Livijns (Kindly provided by Xerxes de Platteeuw)
- Pictures from Album of Robert Ernould (Kindly provided by Philippe Deman)
- Ils en étaient ! Les Escadrilles Belges de la RAF (M. Donnet / L. Branders)
- Carnet de campagne (Ville de Namur/350Sqn)
- Combat Reports and info regarding J. Groensteen (Provided by Daniël Cox)
- 350 Squadron 1941-1986 : 45 ANS DE CHASSE (J. Jacobs)
- 350 Fighter Squadron 1941-2006  (J. Jacobs)
- 40-45 : J'ai volé la liberté (M. Donnet)
- Flight to Freedom (M. Donnet)
- Deux évasions d'un pilote de chasse (Werner de Merode)
- Le chant de l'escadrille (Marcel Doncq)
- L'échelle de la liberté (Marcel Saigot)
- No 350 SQN AND No 6350 SE, 1944-45, (by Jeff Jefford W/C Rtd.)
- Partial ORB of 125 Wing (Kindly provided by Allan Hillman)
- Partial ORB of 2 TAF (Kindly provided by Allan Hillman)
- Partial ORB of 610 Sqn and 41 Sqn (Kindly provided by Steve Brew)
- Partial ORB of RAF Lympne (Kindly provided by Steve Brew)
- Partial ORB of RAF Hawkinge (Kindly provided by Steve Brew)
- ORB of RAF Evere Dec 44 - Jan 45 (Kindly provided by Steve Brew)
- Rendez-vous d'un jour : 6 Juin 1944 (R. Lallemant)
- Les Belges de la RAF (R. Antoine, J.-L. Roba)
-L es Belges de la RAF : Jean Ester (J.-L. Roba)
- Belgian Forces in United Kingdom (Comité 44-94)
- Evasions de Guerre 1940 - 1945 (G.Rens, G.Weber, W. Deheusch)
- Le Curé d'Espolla (E. Evrard)
- Wing Leader (J. Johnson)
- Fighter Squadrons of the RAF and their aircraft (J. Rawlings)
- Aces High Vol. 1 and 2 (C. Shores, C. Williams)
- Those Other Eagles (C. Shores)
- War diaries of Fighter Command Vol. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 (John Foreman)
- RAF Fighter Command Victory Claims of WW2 - Part 1,2 (John Foreman)
- 2 TAF Vol. 1, 2, 3 and 4 (C. Shores, N. Franks)
- Fighter Command Losses of the Second World War Vol 1,2,3 (N. Franks)
- Gifts of War: Spitfires (Henry Boot - Ray Sturtivant)
- Hornchurch Offensive - Volume Two (Richard C. Smith)
- Spitfire: The History  (E.B. Morgan / E. Shacklady)
- A Fighter Command Station at War: RAF Westhampnett (Mark Hillier)
- Westhampnett at War (Mark Hillier, Dieter Sinanan & Gregory Percival)
- De Belgen in Engeland 40/45 (Frank Decat)
- Blood, Sweat and Valour. 41 Sqn RAF, August 1942-May 1945 (Steve Brew)
- 349 (Belgian) Sqn RAF: From Sunrise till Sunset  Part 1,2,3 (Guy De Win)
- Blasons Familiers d'une Chevalerie Nouvelle (J. Champagne - G. Detournay) 
- Articles collected from VOX, Carnet de Vol, A Vol d'Oiseau, Contact and  Wings, ... 
- Information and pictures  kindly provided by Cynrik de Decker, Allan Hillman, Marc Artiges, Daniël Cox, Guy De Win, Luc Wittemans, Philippe Deman , Terry Spencer, Fred Langtree, Daniël Brackx, Yves Duwelz, Eric Dessouroux, Peter Celis, Harold Walmsley, Leopold Heimes, Mme van Wersch, Pip Wuersch,   Steve Brew, John T. Foster, Simon and Pam Burbage and André Bar.